This was absolutely stunning writing. So much truth and boldness and tears on the page/screen. I came here on Seth's recommendation and he def knows what he's talking about. You are and have a gift. Thank you for this piece

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Amazing and authentic in every way

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I love this. The way you've woven humor, grief, and tree hugging is utterly human. I've not lost a partner. I can only imagine. And when I imagine, I imagine hugging an Ozark oak.

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Bang. Going to have to let this one marinate. Thank you.

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amen sister, brief flashings here on my lap. so f’ing good. yes time is not linear. The further I go into my life the more I come back around to the beginning of mine and my grandparents and my great grandparents. I can see there hearts beating and breaking in me. I don’t know what to do but hug a tree too. and try to understand that zen koan’s show me my first thought is not my only thought. transcendence is possible but only in silence and often on a long run in the wilds when I forget everything I think I knew. Big love to you for your words and your courage.

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